betterment of our local communities

The current political and societal climate is dividing our communities, and ultimately our nation. It is our immediate goal to energize support for First Responders using the Veteran and family member community.

We are a team of U.S. Military Veterans, active and retired, working through charitable causes, organized events, personal interactions, and social media to support the individuals and organizations that selflessly serve the public.


At Project Overwatch we stand for the betterment of our local communities to shape and mold our country. To effect positive change we do not strictly limit our associations and outreach to Veterans, Law Enforcement or Firefighters alone. We stand ready to create relationships with any person or organization that supports these agencies and shares our vision for the betterment of our nation.

To effect change, we wish to involve anyone that supports those that serve in the face of danger. Soldiers, Police Officers and Firefighters; they are all first responders that run toward danger, to serve the public at great sacrifice. No one chooses these careers for ambitious monetary gains, we all want to serve.

betterment of our local communities
betterment of our local communities

Primary Objective: Provide Support

  • Provide support by filling training gaps for the Law Enforcement and Firefighter communities thru Veteran leadership and experience
  • Provide support by raising funds and leveraging sponsors to assist with equipment shortages within the Law Enforcement and Firefighter communities thru Veteran leadership and relationships
  • Provide support by establishing hardship accounts for our partnered Law Enforcement and Firefighter departments

Secondary Objective: Promote Fidelity

  • Promote fidelity between the Law Enforcement, Firefighter, and Veteran community
  • Counter the negative narrative toward Law Enforcement propagating in our country
  • Assist and plan local charitable causes that support a Law Enforcement, Firefighter or Veteran related objective
  • Promote Project Overwatch purpose and objectives thru social media and community interaction
  • Assist any organization that the Project Overwatch team members deem beneficial to community and country

Project Overwatch on OAN’s Tipping Point!
Listen to our founder say what we are all about

Project Overwatch on OAN’s Tipping Point!
Listen to our founder say what we are all about


Board of Directors

Project Overwatch Team - Board of Directors Ray H., Veteran-Representative

Veteran Representative

Ray Hendrick hails from Sarasota, Florida. He began his military career with the Virginia Army National Guard in 1989 as a Lieutenant of Infantry after receiving a commission from Marion Military Institute. In 1996, he enlisted in the Regular Army as an 11B Infantryman and was assigned to 3rd Ranger Battalion at Ft. Benning, GA.

CSM Hendrick has served in operational, staff, and leadership positions from Rifleman to Command Sergeant Major, and Platoon Leader to Assistant Operations Officer. Highlights of his active-duty service include nine years in the 75th Ranger Regiment, nine more years in the Asymmetric Warfare Group, and Command Sergeant Major assignments at two separate battalions; the United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area, at Panmunjom, Korea and 1st Battalion 307th Infantry at Fort Dix, New Jersey. During his time in the Virginia Army National Guard, Ray served seven years in the 116th Infantry Regiment.

Ray’s overseas service includes four deployments to Afghanistan and nine deployments to Iraq as a member of the 3rd Ranger Battalion and the Asymmetric Warfare Group. While serving in the Virginia Army National Guard, he participated in the first Reserve Component rotation of the Sinai Peacekeeping Mission in Egypt. He also served three years at the Joint Security Area; the last American outpost on the Korean De-Militarized Zone.

Ray’s military and civilian education is wide-ranging. His education includes a Master of Arts Degree from the University of Texas at El Paso, he is a graduate of both the Infantry Officer Advanced Course and the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course, and the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute. Most notably he is a graduate of the US Army’s harrowing and prestigious Ranger School.

Ray has been recognized for both civilian and military accomplishments. Military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and the Valorous Unit Award, and even the Army Staff Badge. However, his mother is always proudest of his Eagle Scout badge, earned as a member of Boy Scout Troop 129 in Sarasota, Florida.

Project Overwatch Team - Yvette Zayas, Board of Directors - Law Enforcement Representative
Law Enforcement Representative

Captain Yvette Zayas currently serves as the Pioneer Patrol Division Commander for the Salt Lake City Police Department. She has been in law enforcement for 25 years.The highlights of Yvette’s career have been her work with employee wellness and support, SWAT, bike patrol, training division, school resource officer, and public order.

Yvette brings a unique and relevant understanding of the complexities of policing in our world. Yvette is fiercely loyal and she is a true advocate for the development and success of her officers. Yvette is a dependable and intelligent friend and she has worked through all the ranks to achieve her current position. Yvette is proud of her wild and smart kids and takes advantage of every second she can get with them.Yvette attended the second LIFE retreat in Utah and we are truly lucky to have her on the board to continue growing our vision.

Project Overwatch Team - Kelsey Ostrander, Board Member
Fire Representative

Kelsey is currently a firefighter in Texas for the Austin Fire Department. She has been a first responder for 2 years and offers a fresh perspective to working in fire services. She is extremely passionate about serving her community and is in a constant state of self-improvement and learning which has led Kelsey to participate in opportunities in which she can help and inspire others to do the same. She feels proud to be a first responder and pushes for other women to embrace their individual strengths to be confident in their own pursuits and potential as well.

Kelsey is a mother of two beautiful girls and sets to be a role model in making sure that they understand that hard work, dedication, and a positive mindset can accomplish dreams and lead them to feel truly fulfilled in life.


Project Overwatch Team - Jamahl Labbe President, Co-Founder
President, Co-Founder

Jamahl retired from the United States Army in March of 2016 after 20+ years of service. Throughout his career he served with the 75th Ranger Regiment <3>, Stryker Infantry Brigades, and the Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG). He has participated in numerous deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Jamahl worked closely, and deployed with retired Law Enforcement professionals on his last assignment within AWG. Why did Jamahl start Project Overwatch? Jamahl’s words.

“When I watched how the events of Ferguson and Baltimore effected my brothers at AWG it provoked me. I respected these men, I deployed with them! Many of my old Soldiers went to law enforcement after they got out.”

“The more I saw, the more I wanted to do something, but I didn’t know where to start. I wanted to get in the fight, Project Overwatch was my method.”

“I believe there is a a lot of connective tissue between the Veteran and Police Officer service to country and community. We Support and Defend and they Protect and Serve.”

Project Overwatch Team Marcy Hehnly Vice President
Vice President

Marcy joined the United States Army in 1993 where she served 5 years as a Military Police Officer in Korea and Ft. Benning, GA. After her discharge she joined the Cobb County Police Department in Marietta, GA. While working as an officer, she served in various capacities. She was a patrolman, field training officer, a narcotics agent, and a recruiter/background investigator. She retired from the agency in 2008 and now works as an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Utah Valley University where she teaches and mentors future first responders.

Marcy has been with Project Overwatch since it was founded in 2015 and continues to have a passion for service. She is an advocate for first responders and serves by hosting events that have a positive impact for those in public service. Marcy is a cofounder for the LIFE Women First Responder retreats and believes that from her own experience with trauma, we have an absolute need to support those who work in these dangerous and stressful careers.

“Taking care of our brothers and sisters is an absolute honor and a privilege.”

Project Overwatch Team - Levon S., Fire-Fighter-Representative
Midwest Region Director

Levon is a born & raised Texan who has always been proud of not only his State, but his Country. He has always known that God put him on this Earth to be a servant and he has made that a priority in his life.

Levon joined the US Navy in 2000, before the war began. He went on to do two deployments in the Middle East during Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Levon was chosen to be put on a small team that went with Marine Force Recon during intense deployments to do non-compliant piracy boardings throughout the Middle East and the Horn of Africa.

After his Service and transition to civilian life, he wanted to continue to serve, so in 2006 he became a professional Firefighter/EMT with Lake Travis Fire Rescue in Austin, Texas. Then joining his fire department competition team, Levon was awarded the 2007 Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge “Rookie of The Year” at the World Finals.

Always looking for ways to improve and serve, Levon wanted to help families not only when tragedy happens, but with establishing themselves. In 2007, he became a Licensed Realtor and has a successful Real Estate Business aiding individuals in Residential, Commercial, and Ranch sales.

“My overall goal is to keep helping the Community, Veterans, and Families utilizing the skills that I have built over the years.”

“We are all a Team and need all the support we can get from each other. No one is perfect and the stress that comes from serving in the Military and as a First Responder, I know firsthand!” Levon Steele

Project Overwatch Team - Tiana Wynn, Marketing Director
Marketing Director

Tiana is currently a student at Utah Valley University studying Criminal Justice. She serves as the student Senator for the College of Health and Public Service at UVU, advocating and serving the students within the CHPS college. Tiana began her volunteer work with Project Overwatch as an intern and assisted with the success of multiple women first responders retreats. She has had immense joy serving the women who are continuously protecting and serving the public every day and looks forward to continuing to volunteer with Project Overwatch.

Project Overwatch Team - Jonathan Rudd, Western Region Coordinator
Western Region Coordinator

Jonathan Rudd retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2018. During his 21-year career as a special agent and legal advisor with the FBI, he specialized in financial crime, organized crime, international and domestic terrorism, and counterintelligence investigations. Along with domestic assignments in New York, Virginia, Colorado, and Utah, he has extensive international experience having represented the FBI in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Hungary, Korea, and Japan. As a supervisor, he taught law at the FBI Academy, to include courses with the FBI National Academy.

Jonathan is currently a full-time professor in the Criminal Justice Department at Utah Valley University (UVU), where he also teaches legal classes to cadets attending UVU’s Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). He is a member of the Utah State Bar and the U.S. Supreme Court Bar. Jonathan has been trained in Peer Support and is a Certified Life Coach.

Project Overwatch Team - Christina Fife, Volunteer Director
Volunteer Director

Christina Fife is a proud military spouse. She has supported her husband’s service in the United States Army for the last nine years of his career. Over the past fifteen years, Christina has made it a priority to serve her military family. She began working in the Veteran Success Center at Utah Valley University (UVU). Military orders took the Fife family to Washington D.C. for a few years but upon retirement, Christina began working in December 2019 as an academic advisor with the UVU Criminal Justice Department and has served in that position ever since.

Christina has been a volunteer for the Project Overwatch Female First Responder L.I.F.E. events since the implementation of these retreats. Christina believes that it is important to serve and honor those who serve our country and communities. Project Overwatch presents unique opportunities for that purpose. She recognizes that the law enforcement and firefighter communities are very similar to the military community, and she has developed a passion for serving our first responder communities.

Project Overwatch Team - Alex Mikle, Research Assistant
Research Assistant

Alex is originally from Eden Prairie, MN and now resides in Salt Lake City Utah. Alex is currently in the United States Army where she has served for over 11 years. She currently holds the position of 1LT and is assigned to a Field Artillery unit. She is Airborne qualified and enjoys serving her country. Alex is a Master Fitness Trainer Strength and Conditioning Coach at 212 Fitness, a veteran run organization. She holds a Bachelor’s of Exercise Science, Health and Human Performance, a Master’s in Health Science and Human Sports Performance, and is currently a PhD student at Rocky Mountain University.

Alex is excited to work for Project Overwatch to further the betterment of our military members and our first responders.

Project Overwatch Team - Havalah Roberts, Social Media Manager
Social Media Manager

Havalah Roberts is a student at Utah Valley University studying both Criminal Justice and Psychology. She is also the Criminal Justice Representative for UVU Student Association. Havalah has been working with Project Overwatch since 2023 and is passionate about the public service field and mental health awareness.


written in 2015

Project Overwatch founder As I talked to friends about starting Project Overwatch a common question I was asked was;

“What made you want to do this?”

There are two prominent trends within the Veteran community that made me want to start this.

First, I think we (vets) have to be very careful about the message being sent to the American public about Veterans. I see commercial after commercial focused on “helping the Veterans”, and “the Veterans need our help”. PTSD is talked about like it comes with every enlistment contract. Although these organizations are doing great things for many in need; when you couple
the frequency of the messages with the public’s lack of understanding, it results in many seeing us as victims. I can recall several times that I have been in conversations with individuals that have no military background or affiliations, I often sense pity if they learn I have been deployed. My usual response is “I was paid pretty well every month”(no pity is required).

The second trend is our popularity in the public and how quickly the public rises to support Veterans. It is no secret how far apart our political parties are right now, but when the Veterans Administration scandal surfaced there was very little division in our representatives. Look at the backlash against the individuals that made negative comments about the American Sniper movie. It is not often that “enlightened” Hollywood people backpedal on their statements, yet they did when the public defended us.

The Veterans’ role in Project Overwatch is showing the public that we are not victims. We will use our favorable momentum to defend others who sacrifice for their communities and aid charitable causes. I think that service to our country and community should not end with our Military careers. I believe this service is every American’s lifelong obligation.

The second question I received often is “why Law Enforcement?” As I watched the events of 2014 in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore unfold, it affected me profoundly. I want to keep this testament neutral, so I will not dive deeply into my opinion of the incidents. Regardless of our opinion on one incident, we should not demonize all of our nation’s Law Enforcement because of isolated events. Our governing representatives should not operate in polarizing rhetoric against a body of individuals that serve community and country at risk to their lives.

On a personal level, I have many friends that are Law Enforcement Officers. I also work and have deployed with former officers that I respect deeply. I believe there is a lot of connective tissue between the Veteran and Officer service to country and community. We “Support and Defend” and they “Protect and Serve”. Bringing the two communities together seemed like an
obvious thing to do.

Ultimately, we want to garner support from Veterans, Law Enforcement, Emergency Responders, and anyone that appreciates our service. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that you take a little more time to review our objectives. Finally, I hope you can join us in our efforts to find and support common core issues in our communities that will do some good
for our country.

J. Labbe MSG (R) U.S. Army Veteran Founder & President

our sponsors